Monthly Archives: October 2011

More, more taxes

Yup, still working on my Federal withholdings. I’ve circled back to question F and realized I have no idea what it is asking: “Enter 1 if you have at least $1,900 of child or dependent care expenses for which you … Continue reading

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More on taxes

Still trying to compute my federal withholdings. Here’s another gem from the worksheet: “G) See Pub. 972, Child Tax Credit, for more information.” Ha. So what now?  I’ve look on both sides of this W-4 form, I don’t see any … Continue reading

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Taxes are tough for the regular guy. I’m trying to change my federal withholdings which led to a number of forms with very important sounding questions such as “Enter the number from line H, page 1 (or from line 10 … Continue reading

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