How to use this site

The best way to stay on top of this site’s updates (and any other blog site for that matter) is by using an RSS reader. If you are tech savvy you already know exactly what I’m talking about, you’re just as attached to your reader as I am to mine.

However if you are new to readers, here is a very nice little 2-minute primer from our friends at Google Reader, which is the one I’ve been using for several years and have totally bonded with. (Btw you do not need a gmail account to use it.) I found the video yesterday using — you guessed it — my reader.

Because I’ve been thinking about you lately, dear listener(s). I know how you operate. You check this site once, maybe twice, listen to some tracks, then you forget all about it until you see me somewhere. Then you ask about it, and maybe you check it again when you get home. Because you’re a lot like me — you’ve got kids to raise, doctor appts to deal with, diapers to change, teams to coach, a busy life to live. Me too. That’s why I have Google Reader. (And yes, Google is paying me huge money to say that.) When there’s a person’s site I want to keep up with, I subscribe in my Reader and that’s it. Done. I log into my reader when I have some internet time, check out the new posts, and go on with my life. So, in addition to, say , my sister’s site and various friends’ sites, I subscribe to a pile of technology and cycling sites, ecology sites, a stack of music sites, artists sites, news sites, business sites, start-up sites, etc etc etc. More or less corresponding to the interests I have or the people I dig. Each topic gets its own folder. It’s my connection to the world. Or at least to the part of it that’s online.

So — if you don’t have a reader, watch the primer and get going — the 21st century awaits, and it’s a great time to be alive. You can subscribe to this site’s feed with

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